Pullip Gean's skirt

This post is something different from the regular post i do, about food. This time it's about my Pullip Doll Gean. We got her from this store http://www.pullipstyle.com/pullipstyle/ . She's the only pullip doll i have and has no plan of getting another one. 

This afternoon is such so slow, Gene's at work so i decided to do something. Found some cloth, needle and a red thread those are the only thing i found, i dont have a tape measure so i ended up estimating everything.For the garter, i used an overstretched headband which i cut it and used it as a garter for the skirt, where the bow is sewn. 

Basically the skirt were hand sewn and made out of scratch. Took me one hour to finish the set. :-)

I got no more red thread to used T_T

Side view: her hair bit tangled ahuh, need to fix it.

Basically Im happy with how it look. 

I feel good and accomplished for this day. Atleast i didnt spend the whole afternoon starring at facebook .. lewlsss 

Gene's going home now 

Nap time and go to dream land

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