Travelog: YYC-Japan-Manila

It's been awhile since we last posted. Our first long vacation had started november 25, 2014 travelling from Calgary going to manila. 
Calgary isn't that cold yet when we flew out.The flight doesn't seem long having Gene around. We chatted, watched movie,play vita games and slept most of the time till we arrived in japan for a short stop over.
Bit excited for our short stop over. We decided to try some food at the airport, so we headed where the foodcourt are located.
Some lined up for this store. They sell ramen of many kinds. We were given this call button thingy once our food is ready.

Our first meal : Ramen! The Ramen tasted milder than in Calgary, the egg tasted really good. We enjoyed the taste of the ramen,as it is not so overwhelming. Perfect for our hungry tummy. We had a small misunderstanding before our flight. I was just too sensitive and paranoid at that time . I feel a bit sorry for my behavior.
Good thing Gene was man enough to handle my weird dark side.After all of those misunderstanding we got hungry. Ended up trying another food , Some chicken curry :-)

Oozing with thick curry sauce. This one has overwhelming taste compared to the usual curry i am used too. It's also quite big too !
 I didn't like it much but gene love it.
After eating having more time to explore narita japan airport, we decided to go grab some treats.
Kitkat's of different flavor! We grab the matcha flavoured kitkat as both of us love matcha!

Long time no see almond chocolates!

The airport sells electronics too .. Cute polaroid camera! 

 And there he is, checking out some headphones :-p was very tempted to get one but need to budget  :)
I didnt took much picture as i was enjoying checking stuff. 
Before boarding I need to pee, and saw this one. Instruction on how to used the toilet :)
Very informative.  .

We really enjoyed our short stop over at the narita airport and we even start making plans for our japan trip someday :-p

So that's how we spent our almost 4 hours stop over.
After another more hours we arrived in manila!

Got hungry during the wee hours, ended up ordering for delivery!

The famous Jollibee! 
Some crispy fried chickenjoy and Jolly spaghetti.. It's been 3 years since i last ate this and Gene's being first to try it!

Tiil next post


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