Event: Cinderella comes to life through Ballet

The day of 24th March 2018 was the first time I've been to watch ballet. Although It was my first, the feels seems familiar as if I've been to ballet. The experience was delightful and I was amazed how the stage changed its background as well as the complexity and fluid movement of the dancer.

This presentation was performed by the Alberta ballet which took inspiration from the 1697 Charles Perrault version, the first version to introduce the characters we’ve come to know and love in Cinderella.  
Photo taken from: alberta ballet website

The show took place at the southern Alberta jubilee auditorium.  Door was opened at 6:00 pm and the show started 7:20 pm. During the waiting time there was some merchandise for sale as well as cocktails served. Me and Gene roamed around the area looking at some arts and as well as trying their own blended themed cocktail.

Gene was driving so we both decided to try the non-alcoholic one called the little princess. 
Surprisingly it was quite enjoyable and didn't felt like a kids juice at all. 

Upcoming shows were also posted and upstairs was were the dance talk took place. Dance talks literally is about the director sharing insight about how everything was made. 
We also went upstairs is because that is where our seat was.

Personally decided to take the upper seat (1st Balcony centre front row)  as for me ballet is more enjoyable watching itfrom above. Where you can see the whole stage and how the dancer move gracefully. Far different if you went to watch Broadway or opera wherein a seat much closer to the stage, is better for the facial expression.

The dance was fluidly executed as if they were flying.Graceful like the swan and the dedication the dancer did. The humor that the step sister did was memorable and my most loved part was the magical detailed of the stage set-up especially the carriage Cinderella rode! 

Overall I really enjoyed the experience going to this event and highly suggest to try it if dancing and orchestra music is what you're up too!

As for the dress code.
There was no dress code upon purchasing the ticket. Dressing up is better than dressing down, its a smart way to attend an event.  Always consider the time of the event your going.
A matinee show (afternoon show) is more casual than the evening show. 
Never regretted following it as everyone was dress up very well wearing cocktail dress, casual clothing or Jeans paired with ties for men.  

I wore my lil mauve dress which I got from a very good deal for $80 at Simmons, my loved babaton wool jacket and my Victoria secret bag I got for free last season.
As for my shoe I decided to wear this leather oxford instead of heeled shoes for comfort and also Calgary winter weather. 

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